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One of the more vexing issues for the successful investment banker is deciding how much to really "share" with the seller(s) concerning the sale process. The myriad of issues faced by the seller can be overwhelming, even scary. We believe in addressing each are of his concerns, in a thorough manner. Only by delving into his trepidations will he feel secure in our approach and intentions, as well as handling the many nuances of negotiating the purchase agreement.

Our in-depth approach is also critical for the following reasons:

  1. As he faces dilemmas during the process, he must trust that we always have his best interests in mind.
  2. Our alignment with him will ensure that each of us is unfiltered and direct about any uncomfortable or unresolved issues.
  3. The management presentations and key points of the LOI can be expedited and successful.
  4. He needs to clearly understand the post-closing issues, adjustments, and new working relationships.
  5. We can ascertain his need for and approval of the right professionals to add to our collective team. The examples are numerous and can easily overwhelm him if not organized in advance by us at each critical juncture in the process.